On Friday 20th August 2021 Noni Kariuki Foundation initiated its first mentorship program at Gospel Outreach Assembly (G.O.A.) Tumaini Children’s Home in Kinangop Constituency Nyandarua County.
According to the situational analysis conducted during the formulation of Menstrual Health Management Policy 2019-2030, 46% of the population in rural areas use disposable sanitary pads compared to 65% in urban areas, while 6%in rural areas use re-usable sanitary pads compared to 3% in urban areas. The study further showed that 20% in rural areas use either toilet paper, pieces of blankets or cloth or all other natural materials compared to 19% in urban areas. The study further showed that 54% of Kenyan girls faced challenges with access to MHM products, with 22% of school-going girls indicating that they purchased their own sanitary products.
Very little is done towards the promotion of menstrual health and hygiene with adolescents’ girls as a result of experiencing those ‘embarrassing moments’ when girls are caught off-guard and encounter boys shaming for spotting. As a result, most girls will miss classes, the incidence of the urinary tract and vaginal infections, level of self-esteem affected and eventually girls will miss being themselves for sometimes or until such a time when they are given words of encouragement.
On this decency, Noni Kariuki Foundation seeks to continuously promote the girl’s esteem, well-being and build confidence. NKF held its initial Menstrual Health and Hygiene conversation; interactive session with the Tumaini Children’s Homegirls, teachers and caregivers approx. to 50; they were taken through the use of reusable sanitary pads donated to the Centre through the Noni Kariuki Foundation by the AFRIpads team.
Further, as the Menstrual Health Management Policy articulates for ‘need to demystify the myths, taboos and stigma around menstruation are addressed by providing women, girls, men and boys access to information on menstruation” it was interesting when boys were engaged in the program to appreciating the biological phenomenon where they played the role of passing the gift hampers to the girls.
Some of the words from the girls on behalf of the Centre:
we appreciate Noni Kariuki Foundation for the donation of sanitary pads, we are glad that this will save the monies allocated for buying our monthly sanitary pads and instead the funds will be used to cater for our other expenses such as food, school fees and also our medical attention when we fall sick